

Mark Campanaro, mito indiscusso del basket a Reggio Calabria e non solo, ci ha inviato il suo ricordo di Coach Gaetano Gebbia.

La foto, del 1984, celebrava l’atmosferta di festa di una squadra straordinaria, allenata dal maestro Gianfranco Benvenuti e da un giovanissimo Coach Gebbia: che miti!

Ecco il pensiero di Mark Campanaro


My heartfelt sorrow for Gaetano’s family and friends. He was always a gentleman, even though I drove him crazy every once in a while. Met him coaching with Cacco in Rome , we practiced after them. Then, to Reggio where he did his best work. Always called me when I came to the south and we met with the Judge. Travel well my friend, someday we’ll meet on the hardwood again. Thank you for the memories and the shaking of the head❤️

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